
General => FurgoVW => Tienda furgovw.org => Mensaje iniciado por: sololite en Febrero 11, 2013, 18:28:50 pm

Título: Where can I get your cool sticker?
Publicado por: sololite en Febrero 11, 2013, 18:28:50 pm

I am sorry I don't speak Spanish. We used your excellent site when travelling through Northern Spain last Summer and met some friendly FurgoVW people along the way who had your sticker on their vans.

We enjoyed Spain so much, we are going back again this Summer and wondered if it is possible to get one of your stickers to put on our campervan, so we can spread the love please?


Título: Re:Where can I get your cool sticker?
Publicado por: godzy49 en Febrero 11, 2013, 18:49:41 pm

Normally for the stickers people will organise a "compra conjunta" so they can get to minimum number

They are celebrated under this section http://www.furgovw.org/index.php?board=87.0

Currently the ones that are running are either closed or finished as


or  http://www.furgovw.org/index.php?topic=258828.0

You should check here from time to time http://www.furgovw.org/index.php?board=87.0

The sticker is "pegatina" and normally we refer to it as "pegatina foro"

Título: Re:Where can I get your cool sticker?
Publicado por: elite en Febrero 11, 2013, 18:55:59 pm

:roll: :roll:
Título: Re:Where can I get your cool sticker?
Publicado por: sololite en Febrero 12, 2013, 11:01:11 am
Thanks for the information. I'll try and watch out for them.